Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Conversation With The Father


   I have been still the past two days talking with the Father and in prayer. I have been seeking answers to some issues that have me down. 

I went to You Tube last night looking at video titles. I came across two brothers in Christ and they had almost the same title but one thing was different. I did this on many topics. I wanted to see how the body of Christ differed.

Let me explain. The two videos both spoke of the Anti-Christ. One said, "Obama is the Anti-Christ the other said "Pope Frances is the Anti-Christ" I looked at these two titles and thought to myself. How can this be? How can two members of the body of Christ see things completely different?

 I moved on and I came across two more videos. These two videos agreed with one another but went against the bible. They both were asking for donations to support their videos and work. The bible says, "FREELY YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN, FREELY SHALL YOU GIVE" How can they ask for money knowing what the word says? 

I moved on again to two more videos on the same topic. They were about the rapture. One said, "If you don't believe in the rapture you will be left behind" The other one said, " there is no rapture."

Again, I moved on to two more videos. One sister in Christ video said, "there is no hell" A brothers in Christ said, "You must repent or you shall surely die and spend eternity in hell"

I then saw two video titles. It was two brothers in Christ who had visions, one said, "Obama will be stabbed" The other had a vision, "Obama will be assassinated a gun shot to the head" This will happen while he is in Jerusalem they both said. Well, they agreed on when and where. 

I could not believe how far apart the body of Christ truly is. I mean, if we all follow the same living word how is that we all see the word to mean different things?

This is what I asked Father God. Folks, my heart was torn up. I have been full of sorrow. I then listened to the still small voice. This is what I heard, "man is full of error" I said, yes Father this is true. But why are they so far apart? "Pride and ego" That still small voice again. Yes, Father man is full of pride and pride goeth before destruction. 

Father, when will they agree? "when their hearts are no longer failing them" When their hearts are no longer failing them? The still small voice, "Yes, mans heart is corrupt. It is all about pleasing themselves" This is true.

So, when will their hearts change? The still small voice, "When they surrender their lives to me" When will they be on the same page if you will? "When man believes that I am their creator and they are the created." 

Father so many are becoming confused. The still small voice. "Many will come in my name saying they are me, but you are not to listen. Their doctrine and beliefs are false." 

The still small voice, " I have told you what is to come.  As it is written, it will come to pass. In my time." 

Thank you Father. 

In HIM with love,

1 comment:

Deirdre said...

Amen Cassie,
The enemy pours out a flood of lies and confusion. The greater question maybe should be why do we care so much when or if a rapture will come when we need to focus on being loving and forgiving of our own family members. Or why is it so important to think that the pres might be killed when you need to stop killing your brethren with your words! Our hearts are in the wrong places. "Adam where are you?" "I know not whence you come". The place where our hearts need to be is on heavenly things. LET THE DEAD BURY THE DEAD!! This subject of rapture or the pres or the pope or Israel is DEAD stuff. The things of the world are DEAD and DYING. Passing away! It is the Spirit that gives life and if we have the Spirit in us then we too will be Living Waters, giving life to others, not dead stuff... We need to be encouraging each other to love, be patient, longsuffering, kind, encouraging, praying for each other and comforting each other as the Day approaches.