Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Study: The Two Witnesses


   I am led to share this with you. Please seek the Holy Spirit for truth and guidance. In Jesus name. Amen.

I was led to Zechariah 4 and if you look at Revelation 11 you will see that both are speaking of the two witnesses. Let's see who are these two witnesses? 

This is a revelation of two spiritual churches of the End Times. The end times of each generation. Amen!? What is end time? It is the end of each human generation of both the believer and non=believer. We must all come to the end of time. The end time in our life is filled with trials and tribulations we are tempted just as Jesus was on the mount. 

When we look at Jesus' end time on earth we look at Gethsemane to the cross at Calvary. Amen!?!?

Jesus in the end of His time on the cross gave His will to His two Spiritual churches.  John 19:25-27 25 Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene.26 When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son!27 Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home.

Jesus said, "woman, behold they son!" Then He said to the disciple John," Behold thy mother!" The woman (spiritual bride/His rib) represented who? Genesis 2:23,2422 And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. The son (disciple) represents who? His Word became flesh in the repentant sinner. We are born again into Jesus. Amen?!?!

These two Spiritual churches were standing by the cross at Calvary. "Thy mother behold thy son!" and  "thy son behold thy mother!" Amen!?! At Calvary these two witnesses observed the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. Amen!? 

Let's go one and look at Genesis 2:22 22 And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims which are upon the ark of the testimony, of all things which I will give thee in commandment unto the children of Israel. 

Father God (become flesh Jesus) spoke, " I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims which are the ark of the testimony" The mercy seat is/was the cross. The two cherubims were the two Spiritual churches "mother behold thy son" "son behold thy mother" The ark was His testimony. The Word = God who became flesh= Jesus who died on the cross and now lives and communes with us above the mercy seat. Amen amen!!!

In Jesus name with love,

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