Wednesday, June 6, 2012


John L. Dudley
© Copyright 1984 by Johnny L. Dudley
All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America
ISBN No. 978-0-930397-07-4
The Gospel Tract Society, Inc.
PO Box 1118
Independence, MO 64051 U.S.A.
1. The Two Mysteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
2. A Knowledge of the Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
3. The Timepieces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
4. The Man of Sin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
5. The Falling Away . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
6. The Great Tribulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
7. The Expulsion Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
8. The Two-fold Harvest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
9. The Day of the Lord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80
10. Peace! Peace at Last . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89
11. The Serpent’s Third Greatest Deception . . . . .94
Footnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98Foreword
To introduce this book in a standard fashion; complimenting 
the author, listing his credentials and degrees or rating it against 
others would be insensitive to the subject presented, inappropriate and distracting. Instead, it is important to know how it 
wound up in your hands today.
For more than eighty-three years, the ministry of the Buttram 
family, The Gospel Tract Society, has printed and distributed Bible tracts throughout the world--declaring the Sovereignty of the 
Most High God, His power to change lives, and the wonderful 
gift of Salvation offered to all who believe upon the only Name 
to save—Jesus. We taught the Return of Christ as the Blessed 
Hope, which is the Rapture of the Saints, both living and dead. 
What was believed then, was that this event was to preclude the 
onset of the Antichrist and the Great Tribulation.
On July 22, 2009, in a matter of hours, it seemed that the Lord 
had shown me that the time of the Antichrist was much nearer 
now and the the Day of The Lord, would not occur until—well 
into the Great Tribulation. I realized how little I really understood about eschatology, but the one thing I now know—we better get ready before we fall into a delusion of unknown proportions. At the time, I knew of no one who believed in the Lord, 
who didn’t believe He would return before the Antichrist. But 
now, faced with this revelation, I had to tell my family, our staff 
and the dear people of our ministry, as well as the nearly seventy 
pastors of our mission in Haiti. I began with a letter to our ministry family telling them what happened to me, while still unable 
to lay out the details of what would happen next and when.
As you might imagine, since it is estimated that eighty percent 
of Christianity believe in a pre-tribulation Rapture, much of the 
early response was hostile and shocking. I was declared as an 
agent of Satan, a divider of families, and an enemy of the foundations of the Christian faith. I understood the response, since 
I was given the task of teaching what the Lord had given me. 
Many people sent me Pre-Tribulation Books, studies as well as 
pre-Wrath books and studies. One such book was in rough condition, having been duct taped at the seam, drilled and stitched 
with plastic Wal-Mart bags. The letter that accompanied it was 
the greatest encouragement I had received in many years:
Dear Brother Tom: I, Guy Terwilliger received your “Harvester” Aug/Sept. 2009 this morning and received massive “goose 
bumps.” I then knew there was something of extreme importance 
inside. As I read “Straight Talk,” I realized what it all entailed. 
In March I was traveling down a street where I prune the city 
trees for the Dept. of Public Works. I do this for free in exchange 
for the branches which I sell on the flower market in Manhattan. 
There was a home where there was a massive trash bag pile next 
to the curb. I kept getting unction from the Spirit to go back. Finally I was obedient and went back. This enclosed book was on 
top of all the bags. I know that the Lord wanted me to stop being 
a “false prophet” about pre-tribulation rapture. I’ve asked Him 
to forgive me and am confident in Him. Being born again since 
1976, I thought Jesus was coming any second and I was wrong. 
I’m sending the book so “study to show yourself approved” and 
let whoever else needed, read it. Return it to me when you are 
finished...” In Jesus, Guy Terwilliger
I took the book, THE HARVEST home and later picked it up 
and just opened it to the middle somewhere and started reading 
aloud to my wife. As I read, tears began to stream down my 
cheeks, as the truth I had known, but was yet unable to verbalize, 
was coming off the pages. My wife said, “Tom, that is exactly 
what you have been saying,” as she too was wiping away tears. 
At that point, I couldn’t read fast enough—I read toward the 
front, then to the back, skipping all around trying to catch up on 
fifty-five years of being confused.
We made ten copies and passed them around to staff and family, not being able to find copies anywhere. Harder still, was to 
locate the author—Johnny L. Dudley, a real estate developer in 
Florida. By that time, I realized that this book had the understanding and sequence of events that believers needed today and 
I wanted a couple thousand copies—if possible. Failing to locate 
Mr. Dudley for some time caused me to decide to reprint the The Two Mysteries
The Two Mysteries
It was a hot, humid afternoon as I parked my pickup 
truck in the front yard of a slightly tilted frame house 
on the outskirts of town. Dogs of all shapes and sizes 
seemed to materialize, greeting me with a diversity of 
wags and barks, as I made my way to the rear of the 
house. Behind the house, long rows of greenhouses 
emerged out of an immense growth of ugly dog fennel 
weeds. A well-worn path led me through the ugly plants 
to the front door of the first plastic house. 
Pushing my way through the door, I stepped into 
a controlled environment where all of the necessary ingredients for the germination of a seed were carefully 
regulated. Long rows of tables sagged with the weight 
of hundreds of vessels of potting soil that were neatly 
arranged under a complex network of irrigation pipes. 
Workers carefully tended their needs, and each vessel 
brought forth fruit according to the seed which the 
husbandman of the greenhouse had sown. 
And so it is with the universe. God has created 
an environment that houses a world full of “clay
book just as we found it. Then, after bird-dogging for weeks, I 
found Johnny’s mother and left my contact information. When 
he was finally able to contact me, I was astounded and asked 
him where he received such understanding of scriptures that fit 
today’s world—twenty-five years ago?
He then asked my intentions and in a couple days he was in 
my office and we became acquainted. He explained his intense 
interest in my call, because as he had suffered great financial 
loss at the end of 2008 and after, which brought him eventually 
back to reread the book he had written twenty-five years earlier. 
He read it over six times and prayed, “Lord, is this the time to 
bring this book back? If it is, then I am waiting on you. It will sit 
here until I hear from you.”
Two months later, he received my call and insistence to reprint THE HARVEST. The point of this introduction is—that 
the time of Johnny’s prayer, my revelation and Ray Terwilliger’s finding the thrown out book in a trash heap—calculate 
to be nearly the same time! The book you are holding is unlike 
so many that make claims, this book is anointed, a thrown out 
treasure brought from days past for the Church today.
In today’s “feel good” theology and “prosperity message” 
atmosphere, the thought that the True Church would be called 
upon to suffer and be hated for His Name’s sake, is not a popular 
theme—to say the least. However, if one is an active student of 
international and national developments as well as the prophesies throughout the Bible, joy can be found in knowing the truth. 
Our Salvation and the overcoming of sin, and fear as well, are 
based upon our love of the “truth of the Word.” And while it will 
not answer all the questions you may have about the end-of-time 
things, it will give you a strong foundation that will help prepare 
you to handle the truth and to love it.
The True Church will joyfully await the Blessed Hope, The 
Day of the Lord, His Second Coming—The Rapture of the 
Saints, all at one prophesied time, when the mystery of God is 
finished, at the Last Trump.
Tom Buttram
Gospel Tract SocietyTHE HARVEST

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