Saturday, June 2, 2012

"BE OF GOOD CHEER FOR I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD" Let's rest in those words. Amen!


    While in prayer this morning I was led to read Habakkuk 3. Please look at this chapter closely. Are we like the prophet Habakkuk? I believe we all are or have been at one time or another. Let's look at the chapter. 

The chapter is a prayer. We see in the last chapters that Habakkuk complained a lot about Yahuah and to Yahuah. Sound familiar? Haven't we all complained about things not going our way or why Yahuah wasn't answering our prayers when WE wanted HIM to. 

Habakkuk is asking Yahuah why he isn't judging the sins of Israel. Haven't we too asked why HE isn't stopping the evil in this world? 

Habakkuk then realizes that Yahuah has everything under control and to not fear. Many of us think because we see such evil natures arising and people suffering that Yahuah is no longer in control or that HE has walked away from us. When in fact it is US who have walked away from HIM.

Do you doubt Yahuah? Do you think HE has left us to deal with sin and evil of the world alone? This is not so. We often get confused with trying to do things OUR way. This will NEVER work. WE are not in charge. We are servants we are to serve in obedience. We are to listen. Are you listening to Yahuah or are you listening to self? 

Yahuah is not neglectful nor has HE turned from HIS people. HIS plans and thoughts are NOT ours. We must be patient. We must seek HIM in faith. Trusting HIM in ALL things.

In chapter 3 Habakkuk starts to see how wrong he has been in his thoughts. Let's look.

Habakkuk now is asking Yahuah for mercy on those who have sinned. HE knows now that Yahuah is and has been and always will be in control. It is the mind of us simple people who think because we are the one who have truly walked away and have fallen asleep that Yahuah has also. 

WE my friends need to awaken from slumber and come out of darkness. Yahuah is slow to anger and thankfully so. HE is waiting on HIS children to REPENT and to awaken from sin and turn back to HIM. There are many who want Yahushua to come today, right now. However, they do not know what they are truly asking. 

The mountains and the rivers are subject to Yahuah. They fear HIM. Shouldn't we? Please read this chapter and reflect on what Yahuah has shown Habakkuk. 

Why does Yahuah allow such things to happen? Is it not to bring righteousness, and peace to ALL people? Is it not for the good of our eternal salvation? I believe it is. When we approach life with FAITH in HIM then there is nothing that can happen to weaken us. We now have rest in HIM that no man or catastrophe can take away. FAITH within itself is such a blessing. Amen!

This FAITH in HIM is victory. It is true peace. We stop complaining and worrying of things we cannot control. We need to leave that to Yahuah in FAITH. When not if tribulation comes to this earth are you ready? Are you trusting in HIM or yourself? 

We MUST have FAITH in HIM who is in control of ALL things and NOTHING happens unless HE wills it. The sparrow does not fall from the sky without Father knowing it. Are you more than a sparrow? 

Can Satan take from us what Yahuah has given to us? NO! Will he try? YES! So, be strong and complain no more. Trust in HIM and have faith that HE has victory. Death where is your sting? Do not hand back to Satan what Yahuah has given to you. Yahshua has given to us eternal life through HIS death on the cross.  "IT IS FINISHED"

May you find HOPE in Yahuah and may you rest in HIM in ALL things. "BE OF GOOD CHEER FOR I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD" Let's rest in those words. Amen!

Yahushua gave us HIS Spirit and we are marked with that Spirit and NO ONE not even Satan can take it away because when we believe in the saving grace of Yahshua we are HIS. WE believe we will pass from death to life. We believe NO works will get us into heaven as we are already heaven bound when we believe, repent (change our ways) and love and forgive as Yahuah loves and forgives us. Amen!!!

In Yahshua with love,

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