Monday, November 11, 2013

My Last Posting


Today will be the last day I post on Joan The Baptist Blog. I will leave the blog up as I am led. I received a powerful word from our Heavenly Father through the Holy Spirit last week. I was told to share the word given so people could hear it. 

I prayed on this word I heard as I have never been led do put anything on You Tube. However, after much prayer I posted the video on YT and it will be my only one as I KNOW this in my spirit. Just as I KNOW today is my last day posting on here. 

I want to share with you a beautiful gift God has allowed me to see and to speak forth. Before I do I want to say I am a sinner and I have failed greatly. It is only through God's grace that I can even share with you what He has given me. 

Just this past weekend I felt a change I do not mean something small I am talking a change that I KNOW is from God. I spoke words to my husband Peter that I, Cassie, could never have spoken, but the words I spoke were from the Holy Spirit.

Peter and I were sharing in our daily chores  we were feeding the sheep, chickens and turkeys,  filling their water buckets cleaning their coops and stall. When we were finished we sat down watching the chickens and the turkeys scratching for food and the sheep eating their hay. Then it happened...

 Something came over me that I wish I could explain but I can't find the words... not sure there are any. So here goes. I am going to try.

I was speaking with my husband and I said, I know what God means to REST in HIM, it means to REST IN HIS LOVE. I felt a knew love at that moment welling up inside of me, one that  was allowing me to REST. God showed me yesterday that to REST in HIM, means we are to LOVE with the purest of love. I am changed. I feel no anger, no bitterness, no resentment, no un-forgiveness, no hatred, no malice, no strife I can go on but I believe you understand. I KNOW HIS LOVE for me. I KNOW HIS LOVE FOR YOU. Thank you Jesus. 

I have such peace and joy. I have such strength that I never knew before. When I am weak HE is strong because HIS love for me conquers ALL. What a revelation I received.

So, with all of this being said. I will pray for you all. I want you to know I love you all. May God's blessings and LOVE be poured out on each and everyone of you, that you too may REST in HIM. My heart changed yesterday and my LOVE grew beyond what I can even comprehend. Thank you Jesus.

In Jesus name with all my love,

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