Sunday, November 28, 2010

Silent Scream


To all the women who read my blog, this poem was written for all the un-born children who never saw the light. Yahweh had me write this and I was not sure why. Then as I started to write the Holy Spirit told me why. Please understand that I do not judge anyone for I too am a sinner. Here is HIS message. Yahweh wants you to know that there is ALWAYS hope. HIS message was very clear. For I so loved the world I gave my only begotten Son. Ask for MY forgiveness, Repent and seek ME,Know that you are LOVED.

I felt the probe invade my secret place,
my little heart began to race.

I cried to you, you did not hear,
my silent scream filled with fear.

I tried so hard to win the fight,
my body fought with all it's might.

I know this was not God's will,
my limbs grew stiff my body still.

I know you did not feel my pain,
my life is over gone in vain.

I went to heaven to be with Yahshua today,
my tears and pain HE took away.


Anonymous said...

I am sure their blood cries out for justice too...

Joan The Baptist said...


Psalm 139:13-16 (KJV)
(13)For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. (14)I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.(15)My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.(16)Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.

Anonymous said...

Every crisis in life, is an opportunity to recieve forgiveness, understanding, compassion. I have never had an abortion, but there was a time in my life many years ago when I wanted to kill my brother. The LORD says even if we say raca in our hearts we have committed murder. My prayer for all the moms, dads, grandparents and siblings who have been knowingly or unknowingly effected by abortion, that the LORD would bring healing and restoration through HIS holy spirit. amen

Revival-Fire said...

Sister Cassie,

This is a sobering call from the Father, to all who have chosen a path of convenience instead of life...yes, there is forgiveness & hope to all who have walked this path, but how many will respond to the Father's loving call & repent...come to Him & end the cry of the silent scream?

Your message is hard hitting & rightfully so! This issue is surely greatly responsible for the coming judgment on this nation & the reason being that JUDGMENT MUST BEGIN AT THE HOUSE OF GOD. God told me that the reason the world is so dark & evil is because of the "church". Jesus said that the church IS "the light of the world". He told me that the world can only walk in the light that the church shines unto it.

The world is so dark & evil because the church is guilty of the very things that we see in the world....there is divorce in the church...there is adultery in the church...there is perversion & sodomy in the church...there is drug addiction & drunkenness in the church. Any sin that we see in the world, we can find in the church also.

We as God's people must come to grips with this...the condition of the world is the church's fault. When we look at the world, we must understand that the world can only walk in what the church shines. Jesus' words cannot be refuted...light cannot be overcome by darkness, therefore, the light that the church has been shining is darkness.

The Lord is going to send a revival of true repentance...judgment has a way of doing that...Good word, Sis!!

Anonymous said...

Cassie, those are such wonderful words! And, very touching. It goes straight to the heart.

Oh how tragic, to invision what a little baby goes thru during the time their secret place is invaded. Such a tragedy! Each one was beautifully and wonderfully made by their Father in Heaven. They WERE a true GIFT that wasn't wanted. Oh, how my heart just breaks. Makes me wanna hold and love all of them and provide a loving home for each.


Joan The Baptist said...

Shalom God's Girl,

Yes, this was a very difficult blog posting to write. My Spirit cries and is in such travail. I asked Father to please let me hold each and everyone of those little ones. I know of Mother's who have repented and long to see and hold their little ones. I just pray for those mother's who haven't yet repented or have come to ask Yahweh for forgiveness. Please pray for them too. Thank you.

In Yeshua with love,

Anonymous said...

I want to tell someone my story. So I will tell you.
I had an abortion many yrs ago. I already had one little girl I was raising
alone, not married. It isnt that I ran around with men, i wasnt. but there was
just one time, when in weakness I fell into sin. one time, and I found myself
pregnant. I was working trying to support my daughter, i couldnt stop to have
another baby. I just couldnt! so I had an abortion.
I was a christian, but a very immature, carnal christian, with lots of emotional
wounds and no family or friends. not an excuse though.
well I said, sorry God. after it was done.
I knew it was wrong.
but I was glad. I went back to raising my daughter alone, and no more men in my
life. that was about 35 yrs ago now. Well I used to hear about women who had had
abortions and how they were supposedly so hurt by it. in my heart I would laugh
and say to myself, nobody is hurt by an abortion. I felt no pain. I felt no
sorrow. I felt no remorse whatsoever. But as the years went by, I began to draw
nearer to God, to desire Him more. I wanted to walk with HIM in reality, in
truth. I began to grow up as a christian.
I began repenting for my sins as HE would show me them. but the abortion, i
ignored that one. I figured when i said, sorry, it was done and I could leave it
in the past.
finally this year, a year when God has been dealing a lot with my heart, I had a
I was dreaming that there was this woman, she was in prison. she had murdered
her baby. as I was dreaming this, i was picturing this woman as having killed a
little baby. I was outraged! I was saying, What an awful woman! how could she
kill a baby! They should NEVER let her out of prison!
and then I woke up. I felt very strange. i walked around the house for a while
pondering the dream. WAs this some woman I was going to meet? Did God want me to
help her? pray for her? Then as I was thinking this, I suddenly heard the Lord.
That woman in prison was me.
all these years later, the pain came tumbling out of my heart. the tears flowed.
I cried and sobbed and broke down before God.
that "blob" I had never seen and didnt know, had been a baby. I was that woman
in prison who had murdered her baby.
God led me to a christian woman who helped me pray through this, to come to real
repentance and healing. NO more excuses. No more hiding the pain and pretending
all is well. It all had to come out to the light and be confessed. and when I
did, I was freed from my prison.
Still, I cant type this without the tears flowing again. but I know I am
forgiven. The tears are good. They are cleansing. They are healing in a way.
That innocent baby is in heaven with Jesus, and one day I will see him/her.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous 4:44,
GOD bless you for sharing your testimony! May the LORD continue to heal you in every way. You are not alone! Don't ever let the enemy tell you or convince you of that. Our GOD is greater than all our sins!
Bless you,